institutions Austrian Institute for European Security Policy

General Info

Titel Austrian Institute for European Security Policy
ID 2270
Type None
  • Think Tank import 12-3-21
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    Expert [REVERSE] Törő, Csaba
    Expert [REVERSE] Traxl, Herbert
    Expert [REVERSE] Tchakarova, Velina
    Expert [REVERSE] Sloan, Stanley R.
    Expert [REVERSE] Scheich, Manfred
    Expert [REVERSE] Satanakis, Sofia Maria
    Staff [REVERSE] Meyer, Patrick
    Expert [REVERSE] Leuprecht, Christian
    Expert [REVERSE] Klimburg, Alexander
    Staff [REVERSE] Kammel, Arnold




    <br/> German: Austria Institut für Europa und Sicherheitspolitik / AIES <br/> »The Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy / AIES is a private non-partisan research institute established in September 1996. The institute was founded by Austrian security experts as well as individuals involved in politics, economics and academia. As a research institute and think tank the AIES contributes to the enhancement of the knowledge and awareness of European and international policies and security issues in Austria.«<ref></ref>