institutions Stockholm Network

General Info

Titel Stockholm Network
ID 2347
Type None
  • Think Tank import 12-3-21
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    is member of [REVERSE] Centre for Social and Economic Research (RSE)
    is member of [REVERSE] Association for Liberal Thinking
    is member of [REVERSE] Politeia
    is member of [REVERSE] Anders Chydenius Foundation
    is member of [REVERSE] Institute for Market Economics (IME)
    is member of [REVERSE] Group for Legal and Political Studies
    is member of [REVERSE] Sobieski Institute
    is member of [REVERSE] Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE)
    is member of [REVERSE] Association for Modern Economy
    is member of [REVERSE] Intertic


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    Staff [REVERSE] Torstensson, David
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Pugatch, Meir
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Palomares, Cristina
    2007 2008 Staff [REVERSE] Niemietz, Kristian
    Staff [REVERSE] Healy, Paul
    Staff [REVERSE] Hassam, Nasrin
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Frith, Shane
    Staff [REVERSE] Domjan, Paul
    Founder [REVERSE] Disney, Helen
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Disney, Helen


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