institutions Social and Behavioral Sciences Team (Subcommittee)

General Info

Titel Social and Behavioral Sciences Team (Subcommittee)
ID 2455
Type governmental body
  • Think Tank import 12-3-21
  • Uri(s)





    The SBST should mainstream policies and methods inspired by behavioural insights in all departments of the federal administration. It produced two annual reports in 2015 and 2016 each.


    The subcommitte was setup by a presidential executive order [ USING BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE INSIGHTS TO BETTER SERVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE] in 09/2015. The website of the SBST is frozen since 20.01.2017. Its currently listed in the organizational chart of the NSTC (National Science and Technology Committee) of which Commission of Technology it is/was a subunit<ref>[ NTSC - organizational chart]</ref>. Its charter stipulates its termination by no later than 2017/03/31 unless explicitly renewed. There are no informations on a renewal, so the termination has to be surmised.