institutions Fondazione Critica Liberale

General Info

Titel Fondazione Critica Liberale
ID 2510
Type None
  • Think Tank import 12-3-21
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Zagrebelsky, Gustavo
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Viano, Carlo Augusto
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Sasso, Gennaro
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Roncaglia, Alessandro
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Rodotà, Stefano
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Rescigno, Pietro
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Pizzorusso, Alessandro
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Pavone, Claudio
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Lariccia, Sergio
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Garrone, Daniele




    <br/> The Fondazione Critica Liberale was established in January 1994. The Foundation aim is to promote liberalism through the organization of conferences, seminars, research and study activities, workshops and meetings. <br/>The Foundation is actively involved in publishing of contributions and in the promotion of research studies and debates. The Foundation publishes the monthly review "Critica Liberale" and its quarterly supplement "Gli Stati Uniti d’Europa". The Foundation is also editor of the collection "Libelli vecchi e nuovi”, published by Dedalo Editore, and of several books and publications. <br/>The Foundation collaborates with Consulta Laica of Rome and with Coordinamento Nazionale delle Consulte Laiche of Italy. The Foundation has created, together with “Ufficio Nuovi diritti” of CGIL association, the 'Observatory on secularization", that realizes a yearly research on secularization in Italy and organizes the meetings "Conversazioni laiche". Critica Liberale Foundation is member of CRIC, Coordination of Italian culture magazines. <br/>The Foundation is co-founder of the European Liberal Forum asbl.