institutions Latinoamerica Libre

General Info

Titel Latinoamerica Libre
ID 2846
Type None
  • Think Tank import 12-3-21
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    is member of no name provided
    is member of [REVERSE] Instituto Millenium
    is member of [REVERSE] Instituto Ecuatoriano de Economia Politica - IEEP
    is member of [REVERSE] Centro de Investigacion de Instituciones y Mercados de Argentina
    is member of [REVERSE] Fundacion Ecuador Libre
    is member of [REVERSE] Fundacion Libertad - Panama
    is member of Latinoamerica Libre
    is member of [REVERSE] Fundacion Nueva Democracia
    is member of [REVERSE] Unión de Partidos Latinoamericanos
    is member of Atlas Network




    LatinoaméricaLibre ("Free Latin America Association" is a web-based initiative for political and economic analysis from a liberal perspective. It supports the party network of the Unión de Partidos Latinoamericanos (UPLA). LatinoaméricaLibre co-operates with (neo-)liberal think tanks all over Latin America. It is based in Santiago de Chile (hosted by Libertad and Desarrollo) and financed by the German Hanns Seidel Foundation.