works A3: Contesting scientific dissemination (by politicians, media and other)

General Info

Titel A3: Contesting scientific dissemination (by politicians, media and other)
  • Original Frame ID: A3
  • ID 42217
    Type Frame
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Examples: directly criticizing or casting doubts on IPCC reports & working groups, on other scientists or on disseminators because they are alarmist, models used are imperfect, models’ predictions have failed, they misrepresent data, they are based on poor date, they use unreliable sources, etc.).



    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    uses frame [REVERSE] The Politics of Science and the Science of Politics
    uses frame [REVERSE] Condescending Climate Changers
    uses frame [REVERSE] Non-Governmental Climate Scientists Slam the UN‘s IPCC
    uses frame [REVERSE] How the Debate on Climate Change Is Cooling Down
    uses frame [REVERSE] EIKE0161O
    uses frame [REVERSE] Rote Karte für Klimaforscher und Kanzlerinberater Schellnhuber!
    uses frame [REVERSE] EIKE0676R
    uses frame [REVERSE] EIKE0676R
    uses frame [REVERSE] EIKE0676R
    uses frame [REVERSE] GWPF0045P


    Label2 Start End Label type ISO Code
    A3 Original Frame ID deu


    No text provided for this