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EIKE1437O B9: It is happening, but any policy will be worse than warming uses frame
EIKE1389O A3: Contesting scientific dissemination (by politicians, media and other) uses frame
EIKE1416R B7: It is happening, but it is not us or it is not only us (other issues are also causes/main causes) uses frame
GWPF0007R C10: Criticism of non-scientist defenders & messages & policies on a non-scientific basis uses frame
EIKE0520O B6: It is happening, but it is good/not bad (either global warming or particular issues of it) uses frame
EIKE0847N C11: The text includes a neoliberal or a neoconservative economic position uses frame
EIKE0648O A3: Contesting scientific dissemination (by politicians, media and other) uses frame
EIKE1404R D17: Economic approach uses frame
EIKE0785R C11: The text includes a neoliberal or a neoconservative economic position uses frame
EIKE1038R B9: It is happening, but any policy will be worse than warming uses frame
EIKE0726N B9: It is happening, but any policy will be worse than warming uses frame
EIKE0682R D17: Economic approach uses frame
EIKE1223N D15: Policies/Solutions uses frame
EIKE0843O D18: Ethical approach uses frame
EIKE0721O C10: Criticism of non-scientist defenders & messages & policies on a non-scientific basis uses frame
IEA0004R B5: It is happening, but we don’t know how serious it is or it is not serious uses frame
EIKE0511O D18: Ethical approach uses frame
EIKE0528O C10: Criticism of non-scientist defenders & messages & policies on a non-scientific basis uses frame
EIKE1395R C10: Criticism of non-scientist defenders & messages & policies on a non-scientific basis uses frame
EIKE0587O C10: Criticism of non-scientist defenders & messages & policies on a non-scientific basis uses frame
EIKE0842R C11: The text includes a neoliberal or a neoconservative economic position uses frame
EIKE0526R A2: Contesting scientific consensus & legitimacy (not IPCC) uses frame
EIKE0512O D17: Economic approach uses frame
EIKE1044R A2: Contesting scientific consensus & legitimacy (not IPCC) uses frame
EIKE1049O C11: The text includes a neoliberal or a neoconservative economic position uses frame

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