institutions Tankesmedja Tiden

General Info

Titel Tankesmedja Tiden
ID 2990
Type None
  • Think Tank import 12-3-21
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    Supervisory Board [REVERSE] Nilsson, Annika
    Supervisory Board [REVERSE] Jämtin, Carin
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Bengtsson, Jesper
    Supervisory Board [REVERSE] Baudin, Tobias
    Leader (CEO etc.) [REVERSE] Alnebratt, Kerstin




    <br>Arbetarrörelsens Tankesmedja (The Swedish Labour Movement Think Tank) was from 2006 until 30 January 2014, a think tank set up by the Swedish trade unions confederation (Landsorganisationen i Sverige, LO), Workers' Educational Association (Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund, ABF), and the Swedish Social Democratic Party (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti, SAP). The think tank called since then [[Tankesmedjan Tiden]] but retains the same principal owner. Arbetarrörelsens Tankesmedja is the result of merging of Tankesmedjan Idé & Tendens (operated by SAP and ABF) and parts of the LO idédebatts (idea debates) activity. It promotes societal change under the premises of safeguarding the working peoples' interests, political freedom and social equality. We assume that the membership of the think tank in FEPS-network persists after the renaming.