works C10: Criticism of non-scientist defenders & messages & policies on a non-scientific basis

General Info

Titel C10: Criticism of non-scientist defenders & messages & policies on a non-scientific basis
  • Original Frame ID: C10
  • ID 42226
    Type Frame
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Examples: Criticizing attitudes (ex: condescending, adamant, patronizing…), practices (ex: indoctrinating in schools and universities), goals (ex: profit oriented, jobs and careers-oriented or climate change defenders), consequences (ex: economic/environment/ethic consequences or climate change policies), ideology (ex: mentioning politics blamed as extremists or fanatics)



    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    uses frame [REVERSE] IEA0005R
    uses frame [REVERSE] IEA0005R
    uses frame [REVERSE] IEA0005R
    uses frame [REVERSE] IEA0005R
    uses frame [REVERSE] Wer berät die UNO? Wikipedia!
    uses frame [REVERSE] Kassensturz für den Weltklimavertrag – Der Budgetansatz! Ein Kommentar zur Verlautbarung des WGBU
    uses frame [REVERSE] EIKE0430R
    uses frame [REVERSE] EIKE0227P
    uses frame [REVERSE] EIKE Wissenschaftler weisen nach: CO2 Verpressung ist hochgefährlich!
    uses frame [REVERSE] EIKE0322P


    Label2 Start End Label type ISO Code
    C10 Original Frame ID deu


    No text provided for this